Total Home Safety
Providing unique and innovative online education on Fire Prevention, as well as Customized Lease Agreement videos, in both English and Espanol.
Green Bay
Fond du Lac
West Bend
North Carolina
Brindamos educación en línea única e innovadora sobre prevención de incendios, así como videos de arrendamiento personalizados en inglés y español.
Click below for a free gift that will help you keep your building safer.

Fire Safety and More


"Communication is the KEY ELEMENT to any successful relationship."
Our custom made Lease Agreement videos explain your companies Policies, Procedures and most important aspects of your Lease Agreement. Some examples are
· Electronic Communications
· Rent
· Payments
· Maintenance Requests
· 12 Hour Notices
· Early Terminations
· Evictions
We can avoid many problems by educating your tenants on these topics!

Dan Barsch
Total Home Safety President and CEO
"As a professional fire fighter with 30 years of service in the City of Milwaukee, I recognize that most fires are preventable. By harnessing the power of education we can reduce these fires. Safe practices save lives."
· 30 years professional firefighter
· FEMA certified Home Disaster Inspector - Parsons Brinkerhoff 2012
· Member NFPA
· Director of Safety Operations - Key Management

Brew City Capital Group Property Manager/Owner
Total Home Safety's tenant education products have dramatically improved the communication and relationship with our tenants. Our custom made lease video covers all the major elements of the tenants lease agreement as well as educates tenants on how to submit maintenance requests, communicate with management, access their online rental portal, and so much more. The custom made video helps us set expectations with tenants in regards to what the tenant and housing provider are each responsible for. The fire safety videos add another layer of education which ensures tenants understand how to use a fire extinguisher and best practices to prevent fires in the first place. Our insurance carriers are incredibly impressed with the fire safety and education programs and enjoy working with a management team that prioritizes tenant safety and education. Our tenants have given us great feedback on the program and are eager to view and complete the products at move-in. We will be using Total Home Safety's products for every building we own.
Noah Jacobson
Fond du Lac Fire/Rescue Division Chief-Fire Prevention
I would like to personally commend you on your effort and dedication to the protection of your tenants and their property through the educational process that has been established at the Hometown Harbor Apartments. Programs such as these are few and far between... the proactive approach to fire safety in your apartment community shows your level of care and commitment.
Garth Schumacher
City of Milwaukee Deputy Chief (retired)
I have known Dan for more than 25 years through our careers with the Milwaukee Fire Department... The content of the program is from the National Fire Protection Association, the national authority on fire protection issues. [Dan's] program targets specific areas such as home cooking fires, in short, easy to digest lessons... Total Home Safety fills a void by presenting fire safety messages to renters and homeowners.
James H. Ley
City of Milwaukee Fire Chief (retired)
As a retired City of Milwaukee Fire Chief I cannot stress enough the importance of fire education, prevention, and pre-planning as they are critical for anyone to survive fire and other emergency situations... I applaud Daniel for offering his expert ability to protect those people in need of advice and education. Accidents will continue to happen every day and being prepared can help you come away unharmed.
Lawrence A. Gardner